Thursday, August 30, 2018

A Translation of Une Semaine de Bonte 

Pg 1. A woman, dressed in black dances beside a chicken. She is performing this sacred ritual so that the chicken may lay an abundance of eggs.

Pg. 2 Twenty years later, the woman is on her death bed with her chicken husband and son, the Chicken Man standing beneath her as she breathes in her last breath.

Pg. 3 The Chicken Man and the high priest bury the woman in a tomb built by the Chicken Gods. As she is buried, the woman is resurrected and stands above her corpse.

Pg. 4 The spirit of the woman is resting, while her son and priest talk about how the Gods have graced them by giving the Chicken Man's mother new live.

Pg. 5 After the burial the Priest returns to his quarters. He is excited as he discovers his wife had been murdered by a couple of chickens that he had hired to take care of the job.

Pg. 6 Back at home, the Chicken man peeks into his mother's old room where he sees his aunt and his mother, in her new body dancing about in celebration of the resurrection.

Pg. 7 All of a sudden a  war breaks out! The Chicken Man sits by the window, guarding his mother and aunt with a giant stick. He will use this stick as a weapon to attack any intruders that may come by.

Pg. 8 In the middle of the night, while the Chicken Man was sound asleep, his mother and aunt wake up to strange noises coming from the hallway. As they make it outside their room they see a giant chicken monster coming towards them and stop in their tracks in fear.